🧸🧸🍯🍯It’s Winnie The Pooh Day🧸🧸🍯🍯
Today is a very special day, one of the most special of the year, as it's Winnie the Pooh Day. The author AA Milne was born on this day in 1882, and the day just has to be celebrated with all things to do with everybody's favourite bear, Winnie the Pooh.
There is so much about Winnie, and he is just a bear of very little brain, but has entertained kids and adults for a long, long time. Sadly the rights to him have been sold, and the bits I have seen by the new people don't bear thinking about.
Some facts about Winnie that you may or may not know:
The name Winnie came from Milne’s own teddy bear, Winnie.
The “Pooh” part was from the nickname of a swan Milne had met on holiday
The story and adventures of Winnie the Pooh are set in the ancient Ashdown Forest of East Sussex, which was near Milne’s home
Some of the original plush toys are on display at the New York Public Library
Winnie first appeared in print in 1924 in a Christmas story and then again in 1926 with most of his friends.
His friends are based on the toys of Christopher Robin, his son, who plays a big part in the stories.
To help celebrate it, you could dress up as Winnie the Pooh, or let's face it, just eat honey and more of it as well, or maybe fall from a tree!
Winnie the Pooh has had a great career from storybook, to films, to disney, and is still as popular as ever.
So, today, let's honour this most loved of bears and post all things Winnie and friends related, and above all, let's have some childish fun!
His friends are as much fun as he is